Analysis on ifarm

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All files can be found in directory: /work/halla/e08014/disk1/yez/.

======= Step to start you analysis on ifarm or Jlab Level-1/2 PC

1, Create you own directory at: /work/halla/e08014/disk1/. If you don't have the permission, ask Doug.

  mkdir {your directory}/    -(normally you user name) 

2, Copy the scripts at /work/halla/e08014/disk1/for_group.

  cp -rp for_group/replay/ {your directory}/       --- replay scripts to replay data
  cp -rp for_group/batch_farm/ {your directory}/   --- scripts for you to cache raw data, and submit jobs on batch farm

3, Copy or create analysis scripts for you data analysis

  cp hrs_scripts.tar.gz  {your directory}/
  tar -zxvf hrs_scripts.tar.gz                    --- it should include some basic examples for data analysis.

4, Setup ROOT and ANALYZER. I have already setup the software in my directory

~/analyzer/,   Hall-A standard analyzer, which is currently updated to 1.5.22
~/root_v5.26,  ROOT version 5.26 
   analyzer is compiled base on v5.26 so check your $ROOTSYS, or simply do: 'source SourceHereFirst'
   Or simply use the pre-installed version on ifarm (if your computer can see it): /apps/root/5.26-00/root.
   Note: Please make sure you don't define an older version of ROOT at other place. It will crash the analyzer.
~/onlineGUI/,   online GUI. 
   To check onlineGUI on ifarm, type: ./online -f HRS.cfg -r XXXX. '' still doesn't work.

You don't have to copy those files in your directories but just need to run a script and you are free to go:

  cp for_group/SourceHereFirst {your directory}//
  source SourceHereFirst

5, /work/halla/e08014/disk1/yez//DB/, *x>2 official* data base

I will be the only one who inchage the modification of x>2 data base.

You must check that $DB_DIR points to this directory. If you decide to use your own DB, you need to change the $DB_DIR to you local path.

If you are calibrating detectors, you always have to keep updating the new data base and check the quality before you make it official, so *copy* the data base to you own directory and change the $DB_DIR.

  cp -rp  /work/halla/e08014/disk1/yez/DB/ {your directory}/
  setenv DB_DIR {your directory}/DB   --If in tcsh or csh
  export DB_DIR={your directory}/DB   --If in bash