August 21st 2023

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  • Updates
    • BB calorimeter
      • working getting BB calorimeter up and running for next run
      • HV modules were not connecting, check and fix everything, one cosmics during the week-end
      • all channels look fine
      • S6 modules not connecting to RPI crate, switched one from ECAL
    • HCAL
      • looking if thresholds affect
      • no loss with cosmics
      • can see loss of TDC signal with pulser with large amplitude and high rate
      • offset and noise from aplifier : 5 to 6 mV negative and 10 mV, ground loop 2 to 4 mV
      • change amplifier and check old data and cosmics to see if we can increase threshold
    • Hodoscope
      • HV was turned
    • GEM
      • BB low level test done, DAQ se
      • SBS
      • VTP bug fixed pushed
    • DAQ
      • pushed fix for sync error displayed in event builder
    • CDET
      • level translator in Hall A
      • wants patch panel
      • commissionning last modules
    • Parity DAQ
      • all signals
  • Outstanding issues
    • LHRS Crate
    • F1 missing TDC
  • WAPP trigger
    • just use standard trigger
    • BB proton/pion response
    • Provokar checked with Mark and current BB front end : preshower trigger might be doable with too much work