Basic DAQ using CODA

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Left and the Right DAQ are completly independent of each other.

The Left DAQ setting takes data for the LHRS and the DVCS calorimeter. For the Left DAQ, the data needs to be taken with (regular) LEFT DAQ prescale 9 only. To switch between different type of triggers in the LEFT HRS or on the DVCS calorimeter, one needs to modify prescale on the DVCS trigger module.

How to run DAQ on LEFT HRS (which is also the DVCS one)

From a terminal login as adaq on adaq1 machine

 ssh adaq@adaq1

(Password is available on the white board)

After login to adaq1, type


to bring up the runcontrol GUI.

The default configuration is "DVCS", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "DVCS"

 Click Platform->connect
 Click Configure 
 Click Download
 Click PreStart
 Click Start

and acknowledge "start-of-run" pop-up window.

To end a run click


When starting coda (startcoda command), the DVCS rocs should open automatically, but if not you can try to issue a "dvcsrocs".

How to run DAQ on RIGHT HRS (only for GMP)

From a terminal login as adaq on adaq2 machine

 ssh adaq@adaq2

(Password is available on the white board)

After login to adaq2, type


to bring up the runcontrol GUI.

The default configuration is "RHRSnoBuff", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "RHRSnoBuff"

 Click Platform->connect
 Click Configure 
 Click Download
 Click PreStart
 Click Start

and acknowledge "start-of-run" pop-up window.

To end a run click


How to kill coda processes

At the terminal of adaq1 (for LHRS) or adaq2 (for RHRS), type


You may also try a


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