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Remote Crate Resets

There are a few ways to reboot the BigBite DAQ crates (TS12, ROC5, ROC6, ROC7, ROC9, ROC10).


  • Type "reboot" in the portserver terminal window.
  • If doing above doesn't help then go to HALL-A tools screen on shift leader's computer
  • Under "MISCELLANEOUS" section click on "crate_reset" and select "beamline crate_reset", then look for LHRS ROC3/ROC4 and click on "click reset" button.


  • Type "reboot" in the portserver terminal window
  • Direct a webbrowser to hareboot30, and perform an "Immediate Reboot".


  • Type "reboot" in the portserver terminal window
  • Direct a webbrowser to hareboot26, and perform an "Immediate Reboot" for the switch labeled ROC5 - bbvme1.


  • Type "reboot" in the portserver terminal window
  • Direct a webbrowser to hareboot28, and perform an "Immediate Reboot".


  • Type "reboot" in the portserver terminal window. If it doesn't work then
  • Log into an adaq machine using the adaq account... e.g.
[adaq@adaql4 adaq]$ ssh adaq@adaql1

Run "crate_reset roc8" for example to reset roc8

[adaq@adaql1 adaq]$ crate_reset
USAGE: /adaqfs/home/adaq/brad/camac_control/crate_reset [options] <rocID> [<rocID> ... ]
  -v     verbose.
  -h     This help text.
 rocID   Channel   Description
 -----   -------   -----------
 roc10     10      Lower FASTBUS TDC crate
 roc8       8      FASTBUS ADC crate
 roc9       9      Upper FASTBUS TDC crate
 ts2        2      Electron Trigger Supervisor
 Using controller IP:  I/O reg in slot 11
 Using cnaf command:  './cnafb'


log into hareboot6 using a web browser, usual password for APC, and reboot port 3


log hatsv40 2008

hit Q to go back to the menu and C to display the crate informations again Hit then O to turn the crate off and O again to turn it back

If you get :

  1. CMD:ERR

type in CAEN to access the menu