BigBite Production List

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Helicity/Target Spin Breakdown

4.7 GeV (beam NOT long. pol.)

1748-1768, 1770-1776, 1779-1792, 1795-1800, 1811-1812, 1817-1823

4.7 GeV (long. pol. beam)

Negative Polarity

Positive Polarity

5.9 GeV

(Posted by Matt Posik)

Negative Polarity

(Posted by Diana Parno)

Target Spin IHWP Status Beam Helicity vs Helicity Signal Production Run Range
90 out same 1530-1534, 1542-1548, 1550-1553
90 in opposite 1535, 1537-1540
270 out same 1311-1314, 1358-1362, 1364, 1369-1373, 1375-1382, 1384-1388, 1402-1403, 1411-1417, 1420, 1423-1427, 1429-1434, 1437-1447, 1449-1456, 1458, 1460, 1463-1466, 1468-1469, 1479-1490, 1492-1494, 1496-1499, 1506-1509

There's a question about the target spin orientation after Run 1498. Checking with Yi. -Diana