Calibration Summary

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Here is the latest summary of calibrations, and work left to do.

  • Beam Line
    • Calibration database: Not updated!! Find the correct database here: db_beam.dat
      • Note: there are a number of db_beam.dat files in the DB directory, some labeled "rb" for rastered beam, and some labeled "urb" for unrastered beam. Additionally there can be subsets like "db_urb.BPMA.dat" with info specific to BPM-A. Be careful what modules you are loading in your analyzer, and what databases those modules are calling.
      • Note on the Raster: The specific raster database parameters are simply taken from the previous experiment's database.
    • BCM:
      • Status: Completed
      • Personnel: David Anez
      • Summary: A BCM calibration was done on March 3rd, 2011. It consisted of four MCC runs, 170 to 173, and three corresponding CODA runs, 2252 to 2254. Summary table can be found on David's web page here.
    • BPM:
      • Status: Completed
      • Personnel: David Anez
      • Summary: Bull's eyes scans were taken at run numbers 1579 to 1599. The linear coefficients were extracted and are tabulated on David's web page here.
    • Luminosity:
      • Status: Completed
      • Personnel: David Anez
      • Summary: During HAPPEX, special runs luminosity runs were taken at beam currents from 10uA to 80uA to search for possible boiling effects in the target. Seven out of eight Luminosity counters showed a very good linear relationship across all currents. The lone counter with non-linearity is attributed to an oversaturated counter. Again, a more detailed summary can be found here.
  • Arm Sub-Components
    • Calibration databases: Not updated!!
    • VDC wire calibration
      • Status: Completed
      • Personnel: Davis Anez
      • Summary: The wires for each VDC plane in both arms was calibrated using the standard Hall-A VDC calibration code. Some individual wire offsets (very few) had to be manually corrected. For more details see David's page here.
    • Optics Optimization
      • Status Defered
      • Personnel: N/A
      • Summary: Special sieve calibration runs were not taken during the N-Delta experiment, and the latest optics matrices were taken from _______, optimized during ________.
    • TOF / Coincidence time calibration
      • Status: Completed with caveats.
      • Personnel: David Anez, Adam Blomberg
      • Summary: Due to a re-timing circuit problem, the calibration of the left arm TOF panels proved difficult. A work around to the faulty retiming, was to use the L1A in combination with other a single panel timing. Still, a good timing calibration, including relative paddle offsets, alignment, and time-walk were completed and a summary can be found here.
    • Cherenkov / Pion Rejection
      • Status: Mostly Completed
      • Personnel: Adam Blomberg
      • Summary: The ADC signals have been pedestal subtracted, aligned, and energy calibrated (relatively). The pion and electron/proton peak has been fit well, a working pion rejection cut has been established, and estimates of pion contamination have been calculated. This study needs to be revisited after timing and missing mass cuts.