Conference 2011
From Hall A Wiki
- (Feb. 23-25, 2011) Final Symposium of the SFB 443: Many-Body Structure of Strongly Interacting Systems (Mainz, Germany)
- (Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2011) 17th Mtg. of the CB@MAMI Collaboration (Mainz, Germany)
- (Mar. 21-25, 2011) DPG Spring Mtg. of the Divisions of Hadronic and Nuclear Physics (Münster, Germany)
- (April 11-15, 2011) XIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2011)
- (Apr. 30-May 3, 2011) American Physical Society Spring Mtg. (Anaheim, CA)
- (May 17-20, 2011) NSTAR 2011: 8th Int. Wksp. on the Physics of Excited Nucleons (Newport News, VA)
- (May 24-27, 2011) PWA2011: Sixth Int. Wksp. on Pion-Nucleon Partial-Wave Analysis (Washington, DC)
- (Jul. 19-24, 2011) PANIC: 19th Particles and Nuclei Int. Conf. (Cambridge, MA)
- (Aug. 8-12, 2011) IOP Rutherford Centennial Conf. on Nuclear Physics (Manchester, UK)