Console Servers

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In the counting room we have a "Console Server" which allows network access to serial ports like for the vxWorks-based VME cpus. At present, this is set up for the Parity DAQ in the counting room, but it could be used elsewhere -- basically anywhere that a "portserver" is used.

For now, I've put the reference manuals here: adaq1:~adaq/doc/acs

USAGE instructions

To connect to port 4 on our console server "acons1", use a command like this

  telnet acons1 7004


  ssh adaq:ttyS4\@acons1

Use the same password for "adaq" as you do on the other hall A computers.

To exit from the console server, type "ctrl-Z" and then type "exit".

To get to another port, replace "4" by the port number in the above commands. I suppose "ssh" is preferred. The ACC division does not allow telnet.

Technical info

To use the device with a 5100 or 6100 board, you use a standard CAT6 network cable with RJ-45 connectors; however, you also need an adaptor cable on the side of the VME computer because the pinout is scrambled. If the 8 pins on the console are labelled [a b c d e f g h] then the VME side needs to be [g a h f c d e b]. I have a few of these cables thanks to Brad Cumbia.

To setup and administer the "acons1" console server, one can login (it's a linux PC) and use command lines, OR you can use a web interface: https://acons1/

The first time you login as "root" the password is a factory default, but that passwd needs to be changed. You can add a user account, and as I said above, I have added the "adaq" account.

VENDOR information

The vendor that ACC division (Anothony Cuffe) uses is Mirapath

Mirapath: contact: DIANA LI, VP of Business Development

Phone 408.207.1728 Fax 408.521.0520

A recent quote from them was for 4,8,16 and 32 port units. This price included a trade in credit. ACC division has a pile of them so you can ask for this pricing as well and Anthony could provide an old unit to trade. The old units, however, are NOT recommended (end-of-life and have security holes)

ACS6004 = $1,003.60
ACS6008 = $1,381.25
ACS6016 = $1,734.20
ACS6032 = $2,777.40