Coordinate Detector

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Presentation: File:CDet-Internal-Review-Feb2014.pptx.pdf (Sarty, Feb 25, 2014)

CDet Internal review

Reports and Documents

  • Directory with the large report.
  • Presentation on the initial idea of the Coordinate detector by Bogdan at an SBS meeting.
  • Report by E. Jensen on the rates in the coordinate detector.
  • Report By L. Pentchev comparing the resolutions and rates for 5mm versus 3mm thick scintillators in the Coordinate Detector. Tex version of the report.
  • Initial sketch of frame design by Jason Sharpe.More detailed frame design by Jason Sharpe.
  • Presentation by Mahbub at the July 11th 2012 SBS meeting.
  • From Hall B, plot of widths and thickness for 3 samples over the length of the bar. Plot comparing FNAL and JLab measurements of the width and thickness of 18 bars.