D2n Target Operator Check List

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Target Operator Should Go Through This check list for every shift.

Every Half Hour

  • Pumping Laser Absorption Spectrum
  • Check Cell Temperature
  • Check Oven Temperature

Every 4-6 Hours during 3He production

  • Do NMR Frequency sweep in between two production runs

Every Shift

  • Screen Shot Pumping Laser Absorption Spectrum
  • Screen Shot Cell Temperature Reading (Optional/Automatic)
  • Screen Shot Oven Temperature Reading (Optional/AUtomatic)
  • Screen Shot of Holding Field Current (Optional/Automatic)

After Call for Beam to MCC

  • Check Raster Size (4x4, 4x5.2 MCC)
  • Check Beam Current (4uA)
  • Check Trigger Rate

Every Time Do Reference Cell Measurment

  • Make sure the gas in reference cell is correct. If not sure, by getting the permission from Run Coordinator, first vent and evacuate the reference cell, then fill it with proper gas;
  • Post a Halog with IN BEAM reference cell pressure and gas type.

Every Time Vent and Evacuate the Reference Cell

  • First Vent. the cell until the pressure does not drop, record the readings from both Low Pressure Gauge and High Pressure Gauge;
  • Then Evac. the cell until the pressure does not drop, record the readings from both Low Pressure Gauge and High Pressure Gauge;
  • Post a Halog with all the readings recorded.