DVCS TO DO list (technical), summer 2010

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This list was generated by C. Hyde

DVCS2 Assembly and Installation Schedule and Assistance Request
Revised 5 May 2010

May 2010: Assembly starts

  • Complete design and fabricate Black box (preliminary design from Clermont).
  • Complete fabrication of initial Calorimeter support and final Calorimeter support.
  • 2nd HV crate and 19 HV cards (12 channels each)
Support platform needed in electronics rack
  • EPICS programming for VME ADC and LeCroy HV
Ethernet authorization in TestLab
  • Prepare Vacuum chamber and beam pipe for re-assembly
In process in machine shop
  • Design and fabricate support for W Beam Line shield
Tungsten piece already purchased.
  • Identify BNC adapters for RG-213 cables (212 cables)
CODA support for DAQ
  • Complete assembly of crystals.
Soldering support of brass pieces may be needed.
  • Miscellaneous materials purchase and small machine shop jobs.

June 2010

  • Fabricate Plastic Shielding
  • Fabricate Blue Lamp support stand.
  • Trigger Supervisor & VME in TestLab
CODA support for DAQ
  • Install Crystals in Calo
  • Design for support of reference Scintillator on HRS-L S2
  • Compton e-Detector question:
Can we shield e-Detector from 0° beam line synchrotron radiation?
e.g. close 0° beam line valve, insert screen.

July 2010 Installation starts

How much of this can go forward in parallel, and how much is sequential?

  • Install Vacuum Chamber (Technical staff, 1 week?), Installation can be before or after DVCS stand installation, depending upon mechanical constraints.
  • Install DVCS Stand in Hall A (Technical staff , 1 week?), Re-assemble Calorimeter (DVCS collaboration, 1 week)
  • Install DVCS electronics in HRS-L (1 week?)
Mechanical support for installation
DAQ support for connection to HRS-L TS
  • Install cables from DVCS to HRS-L (Technical staff , 1 week?)
Need mechanical support for stringing cables onto HRS-R
Need technical support for installation/repair of RG-213 connectors
  • Survey and alignment of Calo and DVCS stand (1 week?).
  • Install HV/ Slow ADC rack on floor behind HRS-R and Concrete shield block (1 day?)
  • EPICS programming tested for HV and VME ADC (Accel Div. support?)
  • Test of Møller cryo system

August 2010

  • Cosmic Reference Scintillator in HRS-L, Timing check of Calo vs HRS
  • Cosmic Ray and LED DAQ
  • Cryo Target installation.

September 2010 Commissioning

  • beam delivery to start September 27.