Daily run plans

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Daily Run Plan

Friday February 17

  • Morning:
    • Target Cooldown
    • Dipole prep
    • DAQ testing
  • 3pm:
    • Call for sweep and lockup
    • If target and magnets are ready, MCC can send beam
  • When we get beam:
    • 5uA - no raster - Carbon Single Foil (take a run and make sure DAQ is working, etc.)
    • 5uA tune raster - Carbon Single Foil (2x2mm at target)
    • Carbon Hole (find the hole, should be 1.6mm beam left)
    • Argon Cell for tuning - 5 uA, 2x2 raster
    • Carbon multifoil- 5 uA (2x 15min runs) - plot the foils
    • Al Dummy (20 uA) (2x 30min runs) - see our background rate
    • Ar(e,e'p) Production, Argon Cell, 2x2, 20uA, kin1 settings (goal: 18 hours)