EEL 122 test setup

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The test setup in EEL was upgraded from CAMAC to a VME based.

The modules in use there are :

V775 0991

V795 0AA1 ( 1AA0 )


V462 4444

V488 0020




Booting the CPU

boot device          : dc                                                       
unit number          : 0                                                        
processor number     : 0                                                        
host name            : yer122                                                   
file name            : /home/vx/kern/5.5/vx2306_FD                             
inet on ethernet (e) :                                    
host inet (h)        :                                             
gateway inet (g)     :                                              
user (u)             : vx                                                       
ftp password (pw)    : vxworks111                                               
flags (f)            : 0x20                                                     
target name (tn)     : eeltest                                                  
startup script (s)   : eeltest-yer122.boot

NEW (2017-05-08)

boot device          : geisc0
unit number          : 0 
processor number     : 0 
host name            : wm122
file name            : /site/coda/kern/5.5/vx6100_v4.1big 
inet on ethernet (e) :
host inet (h)        :
gateway inet (g)     :
user (u)             : vx
ftp password (pw)    : vxworks111
flags (f)            : 0x20 
target name (tn)     : a1nccvme
startup script (s)   : /home/vx/gc_test_2.5.boot

Analyzing the data

To take data one should use CODA running on the computer on the right side to it. It is called yer122. ( update yer122 is broken so for now use shortrange-tc computer instead of yer122 )

Login using the adaq account.

you can ssh on shortrange-tc (yer122) or do "su adaq"

And type ./startcoda

This will start CODA components and runcontrol.

In runcontrol, click on connect. Then choose configure and select the eel122 configuration and take runs.

The cabling is usual for such a VME setup and is illustrated in the following figure.

alt text


To look at the data, copy the coda file which should have appeared in the CODA directory : test???.dat to a computer where the analyzer is installed and use the macro decodeEel.C located at [1]

Special for Albert since analyzer does not work on yer122 until I upgrade the linux :

scp data141.dat shahinya@ifarml3:replay/eel122/

Log in on ifarml3 :

ssh -Y shahinya@ifarml3

go in the replay directory :

cd replay

Launch analyzer :


and start decoding


when done you can look at all tdc channels :


To directly plot from the ntuple, the ntupe is called tdata :


You can launch it in line : analyze decodeEel.C\(60\) where 60 is the run number you want to look at.

Or interactively :


.L decodeEel.C


this will generate a root file containing the tree tdata which holds the data for adc ( array of 32 integers ) and tdc ( same ).

To look at on particular channel : tdata->Draw("tdc[5]");

will plot the tdc spectrum of channel 5 ( 6th channel since we start at 0 )

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at