February 26th 2024

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  • Updates
    • Active analyzer
      • Set up cosmics trigger for
      • Friday -Saturday - long cosmics run with 50 k events - most likely timing need to be adjusted to see signal - Bill found GRINCH replay to look at the data
      • will try DiagGUI to adjust look back window
    • HCal
      • Ben gave information to Hanjie to load the new firmware
      • after can enable
      • new update later with diagnostics
      • Hanjie will try to update the firmware
      • VTP rol and libraries tracked by github - need to check if need to commit before any change
      • HCAL triggers : HCAL selftrigger - or cosmics trigger ( but HV off )
      • need to add mezannine NIM
    • CDet
      • working on last module - last set of resistor this week
      • need HV control for second stage - Alex will check computer
      • cabling in Hall A - still need ePAS
    • Hodoscope
      • need to check if we can take cosmics with ePAS