Friday, July 13, 2012

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Morning Talks

New Features I

New Features II

Kernel III

  • shower parameterization
    • for example, if you have a calorimeter, can parameterize shape of shape for energy dep.
  • multi-threading
  • performance
    • tips for users slide 22
    • avoid string manipulations and/or file access
  • inverse monte-carlo, or reverse monte carlo
    • small detector, large region of interest
    • for example, satellite in space
    • underground experiments, with bkdg from Hall walls
    • see examples/extended/biasing/reversemc


Choosing Physics List

  • these notes will be specific to 4.9.5 in some cases
  • at first, didn't want to supply physics lists (don't supply geometries)
  • you are probably interested in one of the "reference" physics lists
  • FTFP_BERT_HP - deep neutron penetration and shielding applications
    • HP neutrons can go up to 3 GeV
  • use cases
  • Recommendation for JLAB
    • shielding physics list
    • with 9.6.beta, new electronuclear models

Closing remarks

Return to JLAB GEANT4 Workshop, July 9-13, 2012
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