Friday, Mar. 04: DAY Shift

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  • Set up beam through Compton chicane
  • Production runs (YES!!)

Specific mission

  • Note:

1/ Agreement with Hall-D and Talked PD to set up the BCM calibration (8:30AM)

- Crucial: high beam current 30uA(at least try) with FC & empty target 
- Experts on call (Julie)
- Calo. HV off
- Instruction: DOC1, DOC2

10:50AM (snap shot of BCM)
Image: hac_bcm_average
11:00AM Complete mission of BCM
BCM HALOG:[1], [2], [3]
Compton HALOG: [4], [5]

2/ Back to production mode (11:30AM)

- 15uA through Compton chicane
- LH2 target
- LHRS=2.92GeV, Q1/Q2/Q3=1916.640(readout:1900)/1600/1600 (Q1 regul.OFF)
- PreScaleR : PS1=PS2=PS3=1, && PS8=200
- PreScaleL : PS9 =1, + DVCS config.

BPM/Spot++ Check

  • After beam lost for considerable time (like beam study, pass change,...)
  • Ask MCC to run 5uA wth carbon hole target and make sure you can see the hole through Spot++