Friday, March 16, 2018 2PM ET

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Previous meeting: Friday, March 2, 2018 2PM ET

Media:KK's MOLLER Task List.pdf

Task List Summary


  • Air vs Vacuum study: Ciprian slide

Attendance: Rakitha, Dustin, Ciprian, KK, Seamus, Cameron, Kent



  • Air vs Vacuum study by Ciprian
    • Added the beamline vacuum to remove major background source at the detector plane. The radiative background from the beam going to the dump. Still ep elastic rate has gove up when air is present between DS magnet and the detector plane.
    • Result changes when Tree Draw command is replaced with accessing the Tree using an analysis script. Will investigate.
    • A rate cut that will remove high rate small no.of events was applied to match rates and asymmetries got by Yuxiang
      • Fixing these holes in the simulation is important
    • Adding the actual aluminum beampipe first as kryptonite and then aluminum
    • Adding a cut for Cerenkov radiation threshold for electrons hitting the detector plane (a 1 or 2 MeV cut)
  • Task List Meeting on 228th of Mar.
    • Mainly to get an update on the task list from the persons in charge of the tasks.

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