G2p documentation

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All information from the 2012 Safety Review is here

Operational Safety Procedures (OSP)

Doc# Title link
ENG-11-035.OSP Procedure for ... FZ Magnets and FZ Power Supplies OSP
PHY-11-037.OSP Safe Operation of the Big Bite Power Supply OSP
PHY-11-036.OSP Safe Operation of the HKS Power Supply OSP
PHY-11-038.OSP Septum Magnet Commissioning, Operation, and Troubleshooting OSP
PHY-11-046.OSP Hall A Slow Raster OSP
PHY-11-047.OSP Hall A Tungsten Calorimeter Operation OSP
ACC-12-006.OSP FZ #2 Magnet, Magnet Arms, and Girder Adjustments (in review) OSP
PHY-12-008-OSP Operation of solid polarized target in Hall A OSP
PHY-12-014-OSP G2P 3rd Arm Access OSP
ESH-12-007-TOSP G2P Local Dump Cartridge Replacement TOSP
PHY-12-004-TOSP Target field measurement for g2p TOSP
PHY-12-009-OSP Testing a Prototype Cherenkov Detector in Hall A OSP

Supporting Documents

Title link
RSAD : Radiological Safety Analysis Document pdf
Radiation Damage Doses to Septum Coils During g2p pdf
COO : Conduct of Operations (updated 3/13/12) pdf
ESAD : Experimental Safety Assesment Document (updated 2/4/12) pdf
Polarized Target Primer pdf
Hazard Awareness & Safety Guidelines pdf pdf
Pre Beam Checklist docx
December Commissioning TOSP
Septa Field Mapping TOSP
