GMp collab meeting Nov 2012

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1) Reports from PIs: progress during the last month and plan for the next.
2) Discussion of the experiment item list and person responsible for each item.

Below are the subsystems in HRS which need to be prepared:

1) VDCs - need 3-4 FTE-month in electronics than 1 FTE-month for software/analysis
2) Shower - need 1 FTE-month in electronics than 1 FTE-month for test/analysis
3) S0 - need 0.5 FTE-month for installation/tests
4) S2m - need 1 FTE-month for electronics - high resolution TDC (in DVCS)
5) Gas Cherenkov - 2-3 FTE-month for mirror test/installation, PMT tests
6) Online analysis GUI - 2-3 FTE-month
7) HV system with units and crates - 2-3 FTE-month
8) Trigger with EDTM - 1 FTE-month
9) Beam information in the HRS DAQ - 1 FTE-month
10) FPP chamber electronics re-installation - 3 FTE-month