GMp meeting Feb 2013

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Time and location

Date: Monday, February 25, 2013
Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: JLab CEBAF L210A



US 866-740-1260
International 303-248-0285
you should have received an email with the access code.

Remote desktop sharing: readytalk, join as a PARTICIPANT with the same access code used for the conference line.

note: this screen sharing system is from the same company providing our conference phone system.
All you need is a browser with flash. One choice is google chrome 32 bit which has flash built-in at

Upload talks

You can upload talks on any jlab CUE machine (like jlabl1) at the directory /group/halla/www/hallaweb/html/12GeV/experiment/E12-07-108/Meetings/Feb_25_2013

Then make a link in the agenda with the address like ""+"yourfilename"

or if you encounter any problem, ask or send the talk to Vince Sulkosky


1. SIMC and solid angle - John Arrington
2. Charge determination - Eric Christy
3. Energy Calibration - Doug Higinbotham
4. Initial discussion on students theses