Geant3 (How to)
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Geant3 Simulation
The simulation package can be found here (Where should I put it?)
The package needs to run on ifarm1101
Simple kumac with visualization
- >./comg_inter.exe
- >exe gmag_test
How to get analyzing power
- >paw (workstation 3)
- >exe azz
- This produces an output called azz.dat
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Dipole theta(RMS) phi(RMS) #sim singles COIN Azz Azz err singles(mean left arm) Holding Field
-1.19 1.75 0.51 1.73 6.74 9.53 0.33 100000. 64193. 59208. 0.7460 0.411 90.210 3.00
-1.19 1.75 0.51 1.73 6.74 9.37 0.33 100000. 63526. 58107. 0.7472 0.415 90.112 3.00
-1.19 1.75 0.51 1.73 6.74 8.43 0.33 100000. 59737. 49799. 0.7530 0.448 89.621 3.00
Most of the kumacs calls fill.kumac which produces omgeant.his and creates the following histograms
1001 (1) siglg.f(2,1,8) 1010 (1) Theta initial 1011 (1) Theta left arm 1015 (1) Theta left arm efficiency 1012 (1) Theta right arm 1016 (1) Theta right arm efficiency 1013 (1) Theta coincidence 1017 (1) Theta coincidence efficiency 1020 (1) Phi initial 1021 (1) Phi left arm 1025 (1) Phi left arm efficiency 1022 (1) Phi right arm 1026 (1) Phi right arm efficiency 1023 (1) Phi coincidence 1027 (1) Phi coincidence efficiency 1030 (1) Analyzing power initial 1031 (1) Analyzing power left arm 1035 (1) Analyzing power left arm efficiency 1032 (1) Analyzing power right arm 1036 (1) Analyzing power right arm efficiency 1033 (1) Analyzing power coincidence 1037 (1) Analyzing power coincidence efficiency
How to get Levchuk correction
The simulation needs to be run three times. One for scattering off of each shell M (free e-), L and K.
- >paw (workstation 3)
- >call sim_levch.f(N1,N2,N3,K1,K2,K3)
Where N1,N2,N3 are the number of simulated events and K1,K2,K3 and the number of coincidence from the simulation for the M(free e-), L, and K shells respectively.