How to open online scaler screen - xscaler

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  • Raw rates of trigger and detector channels can be accessed using a GUI. Below are the instructions for opening "xscaler" GUI
  • These screens are generally already open on the agen5 machine (above the DAQ machine)
  • If it is xscaler is not open then follow these instructions:
    • login as a-onl on adaq1 or adaq2 machines (eg: "ssh a-onl@adaq1" )
    • passwords are written on the white board
    • type "goxscaler" and follow the instructions printed on the screen
    • type "./xscaler Left" or "./xscaler Right" to access xscaler display
    • Select the "Trig-Cher-S0" tab on the top of the window

12 GeV DVCS/GMp October 2014 running