Inelastic asymmetry correction

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  • Systematic correction resulting from radiative tail of inelastic ep process under the measured Møller signal
  • For inelastic ep’s (<=0.5% of signal), the PV asymmetry is significantly (~20×) larger than for Møller and ~12× larger than for elastics – but is not well known.
  • The idea is to measure the inelastic asymmetry in a radial region where it dominates, and use simulation to scale this measurement to the region of Møller signal contamination (using Q2-weighted W2 to characterize the scaling)

  • Radial detector segmentations between Moller and ep peak rings must be carefully chosen to give an elastic ep event rate no greater than 10 times that of inelastic event rate -- This is crucial so that the asymmetry measured there is dominated by inelastics.