January 17th 2025
From Hall A Wiki
- Updates
- CDet
- want to take cosmics
- all stuff mostly installed
- start to focus on DAQ and software
- module will be mounted next week
- external scintillators for trigger : 4 - can read whole module or whole layer - installing the cables for the trigger - one ribbon cable and ribbon to BNC adapter - will pull longer BNC -
- need LV for NINO and HV for PMTs : Ralph will check with Bob and Alex for CDet GUI - Layers and left and right - CDet1L0 to 41 - will give correspondance table - same as GEnRP polarimeter
- picking up all LV boxes from Mark and will install
- want to test layer 2 first : assume modules
- need to set gate and reference channels
- software needs first data file to work
- DAQ : still need to put readout list - need
- HCal
- we had an issue with TI, put spare TI
- issues with routerrrrer fixd
- ready take data withCAl ter replacing TI again
- ECal
- working : ready to take cosmics
- one FADC needs to be replace
- can take with all detectors
- beam clustering firmware : simulation on-going from maps from Hanjie - most firmware done, working out bugs in simulation, complication : using 5th QSFP a bit tricky - need to move data from one FPGA to the other - ~next week - want to check cluster from cosmics - for crosscheck VTP and FADC
- taking cosmics with 4 VTPs
- taking cosmics with zero supression
- format for selective readout of GEM : need to check with Eric how to interpret digitized root file - need to convert into strip and APV information
- will need torun simulation after data taken
- will setup 5th VTP for histogramming and GEM ROI
- CDet