June 12th 2023

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  • Updates
    • hodoscope
      • working on pathlength correction
      • values for RF timing bunch number, check with Mark
      • Provokar looked at RF timing , there is an EPICS variable which might have RF bunch - Sebastian
    • HCal
      • Sebastian met with Mark and Maria for RF time, looked at plots paddle vs RF
    • GRINCH
      • 8 ns structure still puzzle
      • GRINCH using VETROC, need to correct with trigger time - Might need TI trigger correction -
  • HCal timing
    • Sebastian looked at FADC time : include time walk, TOF, trigger jitter, best cluster selection
      • timewalk not applied to FADC data
      • TOF from MC
      • trigger jitter : FADC - hodoscope
      • wide cut on adctime 5 sigma
      • need physics module
      • from highest energy block from cluster
      • timing improves with amplitude ?
      • possible improvement -
      • Victoria will look at intrisic timing resolution with tdc and fadc
    • SBS firmware developement : Ben could start working on some SBS developement
    • Hydra : need to generate pictures and do training
    • CCDB and RCDB : setup locally on laptop, seems to work , need to insert data to test
    • missing TDC HCAL study
      • low amplitude less than 10 mV are missing
      • check width from discriminator - 50 ns expected - checked a few channels - 1 channel with 20 ns and 3 have 40 ns - one channel gives 80 ns if signal big -
      • check bandwidth of discriminator
      • data missing large amplitude signal missing - could be because of width
      • look at FADC signal for missing TDC high signal -study from Sebastian