Long term Long term HAPPEX run plan by Kent

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Message ID: 1669 Entry time: Sat Aug 8 23:55:15 2009 Author: Kent Paschke Type: Other Subject: HAPPEX-III Run Plan

Here is a data dump of my notes on the HAPPEX-III run plan. Detailed prioritization/ordering does not have be done now, but I do need to separate needs from wants in the initial commissioning as well as better match up dependencies between the different steps.

Mon Aug 17 - Restore

Tue Aug 18 - Restore

Wed Aug 19 - Collab Tests

Thu Aug 20 - Collab Tests

Fri Aug 21 - Commission [1 pass] (Watercell, optics, lead detector low current studies)

Sat Aug 22 - Commission [1 pass] (Watercell, optics, lead detector low current studies)

Sun Aug 23 - Commission [1 pass] (Watercell, optics, lead detector low current studies)

Mon Aug 24 - Day shift: remove water cell. Liquify target. stay at 1 pass.

Tue Aug 25 - Pass change to 3-pass. Remove Lead target, position HAPPEX detector.

Wed Aug 26 - Commission [3 pass]

Thu Aug 27 - Commission [3 pass]

Fri Aug 28 - Commission [3 pass] -> Move to production

1-pass Commissioning: 8/20-8/25

o Optics + watercell. (Nilanga) [2 shifts] ( done )

o Lead detector low current studies. (McNulty) [2 shifts]

o Bullseye scan?

o Arc Beam energy measurement Aug 22 (Arun) [1 shift]

o Lead detector high-current test - Aug 24-25 (Kumar) [1 shifts]

o 240 Hz noise study - Aug 25 (Kumar) [0.5 shifts]

3-pass Commissioning: 8-25 -? o Commission cryotarget [1]

o Establish luminosity limits (target, radiation, source) [1] (done)

o Compton background reduction [1] [3] ( done )

o Position compton photodetector (B. Quinn) [1] [3] ( done )

o Electron detector commissioning (A. Camsonne) [1] [3]

o Moller systematics study and commissioning (Sasha) [1 shift] [1] [3] ( 80 % done )

o Mini-spin dance to tune wien angle (Sasha) [1 shift] [1] [3] ( sunday or monday )

o Establish trajectory on target (lumi? HRS optics?) [1]

o 3-pass optics cross-check (Nilanga) [3] ( optics run with sieve on hydrogen and optics )

o position H-III detector in HRS FP. (Dustin) [1]

o H-III detector Q2 measurement (Nilanga / Dustin) [1]

o BCM calibration (Paschke) [0.5 shift] [1] [2] [3]

o fixed-gain BPM calibration (Paschke) [0.5 shift] [1] [2] [3]

o Dithering magnet checkout (Paschke) [0.25 shift] [1] [3]

o HCBA qualification [1] [3]

o commission charge feedback system [1] [2] [3]

o IPM cavity triplet high-current commissioning [2] [3]

o IPM cavity triplet nanoamp commissioning [2] [3]

o target boiling / width studies

Notes: [1]: necessary for start of production [2]: can be done at 1 pass

[3]: can be done without cold target

Special Measurements:

-- periodic -- o Moller measurements (more than 1/week, but frequency depends on Compton performance)

o Q2 measurements. (not less than 1 per week)

o detector linearity studies

o BCM calibration. (not less than 1 in three weeks)

o BPM fixed-gain calibration (not less than 1 in three weeks)

-- Single (or few) time -- o mini-spin dance to check transverse polarization (as needed)

o Q3/Dipole rescattering rate study (2x?)

o rescattering radiative tail cross-section study

o beam energy measurement (3-pass)

o Dummy Al Target background study ( at least 2x )

o Warm cryo-cell Aluminum background study

o Transverse Asymmetry study? ELOG V2.6.5-1844