MOLLER Pion Background Meeting Thursday, May 11, 2017 2:00pm EST

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MOLLER wiki home:MOLLER_at_11_GeV_E09-005

Previous Meeting: MOLLER_Pion_Background_Meeting_Friday,_April_28,_2017_9:00am_EST

Meeting Information

BlueJeans Call Information


Phone Number: 1-888-240-2560

Meeting ID: 624029893


  • Wouter: General simulation updates.
  • Scott: Lead wall thickness determination.
  • Jacob: Pion detector optimization.
  • Director's Review Questions (Completed by end of summer 2017):
    • mu+ + mu- background?
    • beam dump back scattering background?
  • Any new business?


Attendees: Kurtis, David, Seamus, Wouter

Not Attending:

Scribe: Kurtis

  • Wouter: Nothing specific to the pion branch. Currently working on another branch to implement multi-threading support. Planning to merge that into the main branch and then into the pion developement branch. This should improve overall speed of the simulation. Does require some validation to ensure the results of the MT results yield the same results at the original simulation. Still working on finishing up the implementation before he moves on to validation.
  • Scott(WM undergrad) should be starting summer work June 1st.
  • Jacob(WM undergrad) has now graduated. Presently attempting to understand the angle that he used in his analysis, so that we may better understand his results. Some confusion was introduced in email correspondence. Believed to now be sorted out.
  • David: Planning to sit down and start learning the general operation of the simulation such that he can continue Jacob's initial studies.
  • Wouter/Seamus: Would like to have a way to include the GDML geometry used in a simulation to be "stored" in someway in the rootfile. So that the geometry and subsequent changes can be tracked in general with each simulation. Probably isn't worth the effort to fully implement it.
  • Really need to have a local machine to perform the visualization of the simulation.
  • Director's Review Question:
    • Was hoping to Pavel to perform the beam dump radiation background studies, but he is presently to busy at this point. Rakitha seems to have done some initial simulations of this background. We should also contact him to check with the status. Seamus, suggests that Cameron might also have Rakitha's work on it, so it might be worth chatting with him about it.
    • David: Needs to think about the energy distribution and rates of electromagnetic backgrounds coming from the dump. Neutrons and other neutrals will also have to be investigated as well.
    • David -> Wouter: mu+ + mu- background, that work is presently on hold. Planning to get back to in soon. Can probably get it finished up by the end of the summer. The trouble is going to be the validation of the results. Need to prove that the mad-graph results thrown into the MOLLER acceptance is really what we want. Possible unit conversion and such. So some work is required. First the event generator class has to be finished first.
  • David: Need to revisit the asymmetry from hyperon production in MOLLER. Should look back at Marcus Star(previous WM undergrad student) work with Conrad's code.
  • Seamus: Possible undergrad study, ignore hyperon cross-section, just make a suitable estimate of the rate and track it in the simulation. A possible easy way to understand this background. Possible worry about the short distance decay, bypassing the collimators giving the decay products a direct line of sight to the detectors.
  • Start with flat generator using hyperon and let Geant4 produce the decay product, see what is detected.