May 14th 2021

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  • Updates
    • HCAL
      • work on decabling / move
      • tried DVCS pulser but need to go through regular gate generator
      • move to May 24th
      • HCal move prep slides: pdf
    • BB Shower
      • will start decabling on Monday
      • FADC with a bad channel - move to another channel - block working ok - Eric will bring bad FADC to Bill Gunning
      • Mark working on the F1 - not sure if he has right library - Bryan will have a quick look at setup
    • BB Hodoscope
      • still taking data
      • waiting next week to start decabling
    • GRINCH
      • will seal the door today without testing a new pulser first, since the GRINCH will likely be inaccessible for a month in the hall.
      • leak checks and decabling next week.
    • LHRS
      • progress on cabling and looking at histogram
      • talk on Monday for HRS status at main meeting
      • bank numbering - same bank - max bank number -use same as Hall C - will make a table for the modules will put same bank number as module
    • GEM INFN
      • INFN and UVA GEM in TEDF took cosmics
      • issue with DAQ - problem with HV on one INFN -killed one APV
      • Sean did studies of common mode processing : looks same with sorting and Danning algorithm
      • working on shielding of GEM before move
      • other UVA for front tracking coming next week UV chambers
    • GEM UVA : working on shielding of chambers
    • HV
      • EPICS controls working for MPOD wiener HV for UVA GEM
      • INFN GEM has different HV - ordering more MPOD to have one single
      • software : installation - adaqsc
      • need update updates start / end run scripts to use new HV - and epicslogger
      • cannot ssh in rpi8 on LHRS ? might need to restart it or be on right subnet -Bob will send instructions to Steve
    • Data moving
      • Bob agreed to help set it up

  • Move to Hall A
    • weldment status
      • still no answer from Jessie or Jack, but plan to be as close as possible to bunker - if cannot move in - will move racks
      • need to make sure nothing loose on weldment so they don't fall
    • hostnames to be transferred
      • as soon as decabling start will ask to move Bigbite host to 192 subnet
    • transfer software to counting house
      • SBS-online status ? Most detector using SBS-online, maybe Grinch still working
      • ET system for online ?
      • people will install software while detector down
  • Network : fibers started installation this , put new router next week