May 20, 2018

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Moller ELog


  • Onsite update -- Simona/Roman/Sanghwa
  • Simulation update -- Eric

Connection details:

Meeting URL

Meeting ID 388 466 836

US toll free phone 1.888.240.2560

Dial in, type in the meeting ID and then press ##


Simona - onsite udpate

  • Tested new PTMs - they are good
  • Took out detector package this morning, will replace the old scintillator pmts with the new ones
  • Survey - calorimeter two sides (vertically) shifted to each other, not sure if it has been that way before, talking to Eugene about it
  • Target survey rescheduled to tomorrow morning

Eric - simulation update

  • Applying the CREX tune optimization method to the PREX energy
  • Q2 and Q4 detuned up to 10%, and for various combinations of detune checked azz with and without Q1 rate tuning
  • preliminary results show levchuck corrected azz within 0.5%
  • yet relatively large levchuk sensitivity compared to CREX remains problematic

Bill - simulation update

  • Bill showed rate and Levchuck correction curves at PREX energy
  • Similarly to Eric's concern, large Levchuk sensitivity was shown
  • About 4% Levchuck correction at -2% detune for Q1
  • Suggested to look into more details between settings and understand why the Levchuk correction becomes large