Meeting 2018 10 03
From Hall A Wiki
GMn GEM commissioning Meetings: Thursday 9:00am - 10:00pm
Link to all previous meetings: GMn GEM Commissioning Meeting
Bogdan, Evaristo, Kondo, Michael, Nilanga, Siyu, Tongtong...
Status and plans for the week (Kondo)
- Meeting with Whit today to discuss setup of UVa GEMs in EEL clean room 124
=> gas system safety requirements: Studies already done by Dave Meekins and Whit => Expect all the specifications and list of items to purchase from Whit by the end of the day. => Cosmic stand uni-strut frame: We discuss a few detail and agree in principle with the design => Whit will take a further look at the number for the mechanical properties to validate the design
- Got an e-mail from Bryan Moffit on the modifications and upgrade of the MPD modules in order to be able to read APV25 configuration(registers) from i2c
=> The hardware+firmware solution involves connecting wires between a leg of an i2c repeater and a hole on the PCB that are reserved for FPGA I/O (pretty easy solution). => The control over these I/O pins is given in the new firmware. This solution only provides you with the capability to read back the APV registers. => will send a our MPDs 9not in use to him to implement these modifications (hardware + firmware) and then when Paolo arrives, he will test them with the libraries
- Will resume the cosmic data taking of the INFN chambers
=> Change gas bottle yesterday and start flowing gas at low rate => the chamber are at a low voltage 1kV. will start data this afternoon. => Plan is to take some HV scan
Status of the decoder / tracking software development (Siyu)
- 20181004SBS GEM WEEKLY.pdf (Siyu)