Meeting 2021 2 10

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GMn GEM commissioning Meetings: WEDNESDAY 10:00am - 11:00am

Link to all previous meetings: GMn GEM Commissioning Meeting

GEM setup for GEN-RP plans (Brad)

Database for MPDs (Anu)

Update on INFN GEM commissioning (Evaristo, Roberto, Ezekiel)

Update on UVa GEM commissioning (Kondo & Anu)

Update from cosmic data (Malinga & Thir)

Update on the Tracking efficiency / resolution (Andrew)

Update on the High rate DAQ development (Ben, Alex, Paolo, Holly, Sean)

  • Trigger holdoff time sweep from 0.5 us to 30 us in 4 trigger bursts. Looking at raw APV signals for corruption-none noted, but data overall still looks noisy (consistent with previous studies). A common clock could help determine if the noise is in sync.
  • Plan to improve cosmic trigger with another set of scintillators to see if we can make better sense of the signals and noise.
  • BB GEM DAQ Update