Meeting 2022 05 04

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GMn GEM commissioning Meetings: WEDNESDAY 10:30am - 11:30am

Link to all previous meetings: GMn GEM Commissioning Meeting

Please use sbs_gems mailing list for plots/communications and HALOG entries relevant to GEMs!

Near term work plan (all)

  • Installation of HV dividers on BB: work plan
  • Thoughts on special run requests during GEn:
    • Luminosity studies (Nilanga)
    • Full readout studies for negative pulse studies and etc (Sean)

Update on INFN GEM layers for GEn-RP (Ezekiel, Holly, Evaristo)

  • Parts are in: working on attachment assembly for INFN GEMs going into EEL. Developing a plan for the install.

Update on UVa GEM layers for GEn-RP (Anu, John, Thir)

  • New cables are generated and patch for CAEN power supply (3 HV modules/14 ch each/6 chambers). Testing the supply output voltage chambers now with plan to test on prototype GEM if all is good.

Update on BB GEMs(Sean, Ezekiel, Holly, Anu)

DAQ updates (Ben, Bryan, Alex)

  • schematic of setup?
  • FIR filter?
  • Update on: need 2 DC working in Hall A