Meeting 2023 01 11

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GMn GEM commissioning Meetings: WEDNESDAY 10:30am - 11:30am

Link to all previous meetings: GMn GEM Commissioning Meeting

Please use sbs_gems mailing list for plots/communications and HALOG entries relevant to GEMs!

GEM inventory for GEn-RP and GEp:

Update on BB GEMs

  • BBL0 iteration check (with Nilanga)
  • BB alignment updated for beam coming back today
  • I will show some luminosity study results, but it is not finalized yet - Sean

Update on layers for GEn-RP

  • Some issues running CODA
    • Fixed one problem with loose cables on the V1495
    • Still some APVs not getting data, still working on it

DAQ updates (Ben, Bryan, Alex)

  • can we speed up prestart or resets?