Meeting 2023 11 01

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GMn GEM commissioning Meetings: WEDNESDAY 10:30am - 11:30am

Link to all previous meetings: GMn GEM Commissioning Meeting

Please use sbs_gems mailing list for plots/communications and HALOG entries relevant to GEMs!

GEM inventory for GEn-RP and GEp:

  • Inventory and plan: [1]
  • HV upgrade tracker: [2]

Update on BB GEMs

  • GEM experts on-call [3]
  • BB layer 4 XY, top module was replaced (HV problem was unclear). Layer is on the floor in the Hall and will be reinstalled in the stack sometime this morning.

Update on layers for GEn-RP

  • LV in SBS was repaired last week
  • SBS layer 2 hole was repaired with new backplane+APVs
  • Removed layer 6 yesterday. Not clear what the HV problem was on the top module so we swapped it.
  • Plan is to remove layers 4 and 5 to changeout the 12-slot backplane on G1 and G0, respectively (all before A_LL if possible). Most likely this will happen tomorrow afternoon. Timeline could change.
  • Plan to install scintillators for cosmics

DAQ updates (Ben, Bryan, Alex)