Monday, October 19, 2015, 11:00am EDT - Compton

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Meeting room=F226 in Cebaf Center


  • Ed Folts says be ready for lockup by November 1
  • Photon detector survey October 22
  • Probably need to start pumping on electron detector by Monday, October 26
  • Run Plan brainstorming


  • CMU DAQ - ready for beam?

Electron detector

  • Updates from JLab (Hoskins/Camsonne)
  • Updates from Manitoba elog 372

Photon Detector

  • Analysis of test run data
  • Lead-tungstate work at CMU


  • Playing with optimization of laser polarization scheme (photodiodes instead of power meters)


(transcribed by DG)

  • Juliette asks about schedule for the fall. Ciprian (via PQB meeting) says expectation is lots of time on setup before Thanksgiving. Maybe some useful running after that?
  • Photon Detector
    • Gregg is on the way to JLab with photon detector - he indicated some problem with the FADC. We have spares if something is broken.
    • Photon detector survey on Thursday - we have this week and next week to hook up detector and check DAQ.
  • Electron Detector
    • Alexandre will be working on edet in the hall. Needs to be re-installed by ealry next week for pumpdown.
    • Josh has a large box to hold the detector plane and transition board. This will allow us to safely connect to HV.
    • Ryan and Juliette showed some scope traces from QWADs in Manitoba. Long story short - it's difficult to look at the differential LVDS signals without the proper probe or translation board. I spoke Juliette later, and I'm convinced their seeing real differential output from the board.
  • Fall run
    • Dave will start a run plan, and then circulate to the group for comment/additions.