MySQL database
From Hall A Wiki
Insert analysis information into MySQL database of QuasiFamily
- Find the script in directory:
- Call command
./ to run this script
- You will see this:
Connection successful: handle: DBI::db=HASH(0x8ffdd34) Need some run numbers, dude! Usage: [OPTION] Command-line options: -r, --runnum [LOW NUMBER]-[HIGH NUMBER] Specify the range of runnumbers to modify. One number will work for single run modifications. -u, --username [USERNAME] Specify the name of the person making the modification -t, --type [RUNTYPE] Specify the type of run (calibration, scan, junk) -k, --kinematic [KINEMATIC] Specify the kinematic name. -p, --production [0,1] Specify if the run is production (1) or not (0) -b, --beampol [BEAM POLARIZATION] Specify the beam polarization -h, --heTargpol [TARGET POLARIZATION] Specify the target polarization -c, --comment "[COMMENT]" Add a comment. For best results, put the entire comment in quotation marks. -v, --verbose Be verbose.
- insert analysis information into database
Here is an example: ./ -r 20522 -u yawei -t test -p 0 -h 90.3% -c "test run"
- You can find the QuasiFamily MySQL database here: [1], check the analysis information which you insert