Nov 05, 2018

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Moller DocDB Meeting

Original Moller Polarimeter Page

Moller ELog

Connection details:

Meeting URL

Meeting ID 388 466 836

US toll free phone 1.888.240.2560

Dial in, type in the meeting ID and then press ##


  1. GEANT4 simulation update -Eric K
  2. Steps to analyze a run -Bill H


  1. Readiness -Don J here

Minutes: Simona told us efforts are ongoing to develop expertise to run and analyze data and understand the DAQ. Currently Bill H and Cameron C are working on this. The SC magnet is still outside the hall. Currently waiting for helium supplies to top it up. The target control software continues to be worked on. Plan to install in hall in late December.

Discussed duties of various parties in preparation for PREX (see )

Bill H. talked about work on documenting the analyzer.

Attendees: Sanghwa P, Dave G, Simona M, Don J, Jim N, Bill H, Roman P, Richard H, Cameron C
