November 13th 2023
From Hall A Wiki
- Updates for ALL
- Trigger
- Trigger for ALL : trigger width BB 15 ns , HCal 60 ns , Coincidence width 50 ns
- ECL cable was flipped, no corrected - TI to LECROY NIM/ECL - 40 ns - was going to TS input
- will use only one threshold - not high threshold veto for now
- HCal
- short cosmics run, will take longer runs - not planning to change HV - few noisy channels
- BB shower
- Hodoscope
- latency adjusted and look ok
- Hodoscope looks ok, check channel which was fixed
- Beamline
- same as GEN
- issue with crosscheck of SBS and HRS crate : counter of scaler reads each crate has - sometimes can get an offset - software fix to recognize if there is a mismatch and allow to have an offset - only happen at run start - need more than 1 HZ of trigger - make sure we have at least pulser trigger of 1 Hz ( GRINCH )
- Helicity board available, could be added in one of the two crates - Check LHRS or SBS crate for one extra slot
- Trigger
- GEn RP
- Active : check with Bill for analyser - initial hodo and GRINCH - will check if can use spare FADC and VXS crates
- GEMs :
- GEp5
- HCAL trigger
- Hanjie finished algorithm and working on simulation, debugging now
- can try to implement it for spring run March 15th 2024
- need to work out read out the GEM sparsification : Alex will work on a document with Andrew
- New common mode calculation ( high priority ? )
- plan to reuse HCAL for ECAL
- need to follow up on FADC
- VTP order for 30 VTP went out - expect roughly 1 year - need to check if we have enough VTPs if new one not received yet -
- HCAL trigger