November 9th 2022
From Hall A Wiki
- Discussion next experiment
- Ordered 4 more VTP
- next experiment GEp5
- plan to test HCAL trigger during GEn
- set up pulser trigger and simulate : winter break
- ECal needs to be right
- ECal DAQ being worked on so
- Fastbus CPU and TI : few CPUs and TI from HRS, 30 weeks for new CPU and TI, DAQ weldment in final testing
- HCAL VTP readout and need to expand to 2 crates, about 2 weeks and could start in about one month
- reducing GEM data
- new MPD could go to 10 KHz - MPD has event builder which might need
- trigger 5 KHz limitation
- Updates
- Helicity
- looks good from Shawn, run through all data set with low rate trigger, 15 % without usual helicity, fixed
- single fiber on SBS side making issue : but not happening without beam
- Helicity