Online analysis instructions
From Hall A Wiki
Instructions for running online analysis:
- Login as a-onl on one of the analysis machines (aonl1, aonl2 or aonl3) Eg: "ssh a-onl@aonl2"
- passwords are written on the white board in the counting house
- type "goonlana" - this will take you to the online analysis directory (/adaqfs/home/a-onl/gmp/replay)
- To replay a LHRS run:
- type "analyzer"
- at the prompt, type ".x replay_L.C(run_number)" (provide run_number you want to replay, for left arm it is < 20000)
- answer any questions, if needed
- exit analyzer by doing ".q"
- To replay a RHRS run:
- at the prompt, type ".x replay_R.C(run_number)" (provide run_number you want to replay, for right arm it is >= 20000)
- answer any questions, if needed
- exit analyzer by doing ".q"
- How to look at the online histograms?
- For LHRS, do "onlineLHRS <run_number>" at the terminal (without < >)
- For RHRS, do "onlineRHRS <run_number>" at the terminal (without < >)