Pion Rejectors

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I use cosmic ray (run#2840~#2847) to align the ADC channels. Since in the comisc ray data, the ADCs only contain pedestal signals and signals from cosmic ray most of which are muon, the energy of muon deposit energy in the leadglass and create peaks in ADCs which are close to signal photon electron peaks. We can fit the those peaks to align the ADC channels. I set the align channels to be 70 (usally we require 100 channels but we need to increase the HVs).

1, Pion Rejector 1 Alignment:

L prl1 adj1 0.png

L prl1 adj2 0.png

L prl1 adj3 0.png

L prl1 spe.png

#Ped     Peak   SPE     Gain 
540.9   600.2   59.3    1.18 
522.5   583.0   60.5    1.16 
503.6   562.5   58.9    1.19 
427.6   500.4   72.8    0.96 
576.4   638.4   62.0    1.13 
549.1   609.4   60.3    1.16 
612.4   679.9   67.5    1.04 
585.7   647.3   61.6    1.14 
537.4   601.2   63.8    1.10 
500.3   564.3   64.0    1.09 
495.1   562.5   67.4    1.04 
471.5   538.4   66.9    1.05 
629.5   697.0   67.5    1.04 
601.8   666.8   65.0    1.08 
553.2   625.2   72.0    0.97 
594.4   663.3   68.9    1.02 
510.7   579.3   68.6    1.02 
398.7   478.8   80.1    0.87 
346.4   422.7   76.3    0.92 
329.9   401.3   71.4    0.98 
295.7   375.4   79.7    0.88 
490.4   566.6   76.2    0.92 
541.8   612.1   70.3    1.00 
420.4   488.2   67.8    1.03 
499.5   575.4   75.9    0.92 
344.1   416.0   71.9    0.97 
336.2   408.0   71.8    0.97 
397.6   473.4   75.8    0.92 
328.8   402.5   73.7    0.95 
576.5   662.1   85.6    0.82 
511.9   590.7   78.8    0.89 
523.6   599.4   75.8    0.92 
468.6   542.2   73.6    0.95 
496.7   598.1   101.4   0.69

2, Pion Rejector 2 Alignment:

L prl2 adj1 0.png

L prl2 adj2 0.png

L prl2 adj3 0.png

L prl2 spe.png

#Ped     Peak    SPE     Gain 
483.0   567.3   84.3    1.19 
464.7   561.5   96.8    1.03 
455.2   552.1   96.9    1.03 
587.3   690.0   102.7   0.97 
687.4   783.7   96.3    1.04 
628.9   726.0   97.1    1.03 
653.4   735.1   81.7    1.22 
491.0   588.9   97.9    1.02 
489.5   584.7   95.2    1.05 
416.4   523.4   107.0   0.93 
462.6   565.2   102.6   0.97 
670.5   788.5   118.0   0.85 
610.8   737.6   126.8   0.79 
633.3   734.0   100.7   0.99 
627.6   834.3   206.7   0.48 
463.8   498.5   34.7    2.88 
502.7   547.4   44.7    2.24 
519.7   630.2   110.5   0.90 
446.7   564.2   117.5   0.85 
473.0   578.6   105.6   0.95 
577.2   681.9   104.7   0.96 
649.8   759.8   110.0   0.91 
614.6   730.7   116.1   0.86 
629.8   732.5   102.7   0.97 
540.8   645.4   104.6   0.96 
518.5   626.9   108.4   0.92 
489.2   600.9   111.7   0.90 
535.9   642.3   106.4   0.94 
677.5   792.7   115.2   0.87 
651.6   766.2   114.6   0.87 
640.6   758.3   117.7   0.85 
652.1   778.9   126.8   0.79 
472.5   585.6   113.1   0.88 
430.8   515.0   84.2    1.19

3, Results[:

To align the sume of Prl1 and Prl2 equal to the energy of scattered electrons, a commom factor will times to all coeficients to make the E/P=1 factor = 1.0/0.8620 L.prl.cali.png