SBS 2022 ALL Experimental Readiness Review

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Hall A E12-21-005 (Double Spin Asymmetry in Wide-Angle Charged Pion Photoproduction) Experiment Readiness Review

Experimental Readiness Review 2022

  • Date: 18 May, 2022 (Wednesday)
  • Location: L102/Remote
  • Meeting link:

The zoom link for the remote connection is:

  • ERR Committee
    • Pavel Degtiarenko (Radiation)
    • Brian Eng (GEM)
    • Graham Heyes (Computing)
    • Doug Higinbotham (Chair)
    • James Maxwell (Target)
    • Yves Roblin (Beam Operation)
    • Ed Folts (Observer)
    • Rick Adrover (Observer)
    • Adam Stavola (Observer)

  • ERR Charge (pdf)
  • Proposal (pdf)
  • GEn ERR link (link)
  • GEn and A_LL run plan (as of May 17th, 2022) (link)


ERR Final Report from June 2022


Wednesday Morning
8:00 Closed Session (20)
8:20 Remarks from Chair and Charge (5)
8:25 Experiment Overview (link) Bogdan Wojtsekhowski (10+10)
8:45 Charge Item 1a & 1e: SBS beamline and radiator (pdf pptx) Robin Wines (10+10)
9:05 Charge Item 1b: Installations and spectrometer rotations (pdf) Jessie Butler (10+10)
9:20 Charge Item 1c: GEMs Installation pdf Holly Szumila-Vance (10+10)
9:40 Charge Item 6: Radiation levels (Radiation and shielding) Eric Fuchey (10+10)
10:00 Charge Item 1d: GEMs electronics pdf Alex Camsonne (10+10)
10:20 Charge Item 4: Data volume and computing resources (pdf) Ole Hansen (10+10)
10:30 Break (10)
10:40 Charge Items 1f & 2: 3He target status, Fringe fields, running configurations and polarization direction (pdf) Gordon Cates (20+15)
11:15 Charge Items 3 & 7: Manpower, responsibilities and documentation (pdf) Arun Tadepalli (5+5)
11:25 Charge Items 5: Simulations and data analysis preparedness (pdf) Rachel Montgomery(15+10)
11:50 Closed session (45)
12:35 Closeout (45)
Afternoon Session
COO (pdf)
ERG (pdf) and chart (pdf)
ESAD (pdf)
Input for RSAD from Radcon (radiation budget form) (link)
Draft of LOSP for pol3He target (pdf)
Draft of OSP for pol3He target (pdf)
OSP for GEM detectors (pdf)
OSP GRINCH Cherenkov detector (pdf)
OSP for BigBite timing hodoscope (pdf)
OSP for Hadron Calorimeter, HCal-J (pdf)
OSP for SBS motion and positioning , (pdf)
OSP for SuperBigbite and Corrector Magnets' Power Supplies , (pdf)
OSP for Moving BigBite Magnet and Detector Package , (pdf)