From Hall A Wiki
- Start CODA
log into daq@triton type : startcoda
on intelsbshcal1 : ./startroc10
choose VTPTestFADC (Expid: bigbite, Session: bigbite)
- readout files
- Start and monitor VTP
login to root@sbsvtp1 source go to vtp/test directory : execute ./vtpConfigTest hcalvtp.cnf to check status : vtpStatus
- Notes
hostname VTP : sbsvtp1 hostname CPU : daq@intelsbshcal1
- Cold start initialization
- Sample config file
VTP_FIRMWARE fe_vtp_halla_v7_hcal.bin
# slot: 10 13 9 14 8 15 7 16 6 17 5 18 4 19 3 20 # payload: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VTP_PAYLOAD_EN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
# maximum +/- coincidence (in ns) VTP_HCAL_HIT_DT 28
#threshold in calibrated ADC units VTP_HCAL_HIT_EMIN 10
- FADC diagnostic tools
- start server on intel CPU running the FADCs (daq@intelsbshcal1)
cd diaggui_server DiagGuiServer
- on daq@triton computer
cd fe_diaggui ./DiagGUI ROCConfigSBS.txt
- Making pedestal files
in /home/daq/git/ti/rol/tools run : fadc250peds [output filename]
copy the output in configuration file which is loaded currently hardcode to : /home/daq/git/ti/rol/tools/fadc250/intelsbshcal1.cnf
- Important energy thresholds:
- In daq@intelsbshcal1:/home/daq/git/ti/rol/tools/fadc250/intelsbshcal1.cnf
FADC250_TET 50 (pedestal subtracted and gain applied energy threshold for a fADC channel to register a hit, and send data to the VTP to look for clusters)
- In root@sbsvtp1:/root/CLON_PARMS/vtp/hcalvtp.cnf
VTP_HCAL_HIT_EMIN 10 (minimum pedestal subtracted and gain applied energy of a cluster in the VTP required to form a trigger)