SRC ratio results

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Kin 5.1

  • Isospin dependence study (left arm only): (40*Ca-48)/(48*Ca40). The yields were divided by the charge, the thickness (0.5cm*1.55g/cm3) and by the number of nucleons. Due to the large uncertainty the the Ca-40 thickness, I plotted the +/-10% effect from the thickness of Ca-40. The red data assume that the thicknesses of Ca-40 and Ca-48 are equal.

Ratio 5.1 leftHRS Ca.gif

  • Isospin dependence study (left arm only): Ca-48/Ca40. The yields were divided by the charge and the thickness (0.5cm*1.55g/cm3). Due to the large uncertainty the the Ca-40 thickness, I plotted the +/-10% effect from the thickness of Ca-40. The red data assume that the thicknesses of Ca-40 and Ca-48 are equal.

Ratio 5.1 leftHRS Ca bis.gif

Kin 3.1

  • Isospin dependence study (left arm only): Ca-48/Ca40. The yields were divided by the charge and the thickness (0.5cm*1.55g/cm3). Due to the large uncertainty the the Ca-40 thickness, I plotted the +/-10% effect from the thickness of Ca-40. The red data assume that the thicknesses of Ca-40 and Ca-48 are equal.

Ratio 3.1 leftHRS Ca.gif

Kin 4.1

  • Isospin dependence study (left arm only): Ca-48/Ca40. The yields were divided by the charge and the thickness (0.5cm*1.55g/cm3). Due to the large uncertainty the the Ca-40 thickness, I plotted the +/-10% effect from the thickness of Ca-40. The red data assume that the thicknesses of Ca-40 and Ca-48 are equal.

Ratio 4.1 leftHRS Ca.gif

Kin 4.1 + 4.2

  • Isospin dependence study (left arm only): Ca-48/Ca40. The yields were divided by the charge and the thickness (0.5cm*1.55g/cm3). Due to the large uncertainty the the Ca-40 thickness, I plotted the +/-10% effect from the thickness of Ca-40. The red data assume that the thicknesses of Ca-40 and Ca-48 are equal.

Ratio 4 leftHRS Ca.gif