SoLID full simulation and file sharing

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We will run full simulation with all subsystems and generate various files at a shared central location

They can used for studies like acceptance,trigger, background, GEM etc and ensure consistent results

Many file size are large in order of 10-100GB, you can transfer them by using "scp" or globus here which is about twice faster

luminosity and radiation thickness

Z,A, and effective nuclei luminosity calculated here are used as input by eDIS generator at


50uA, raster 0.5cm diameter
LH target, 40cm, 0.071g/cm3, X=40/890.4=4.5e-2, Lumi=50e-6/1.6e-19*40*0.071*6.02e23=0.53e39/cm2/s 
LD target, 40cm, 0.169g/cm3, X=40/745.4=5.4e-2, Lumi=50e-6/1.6e-19*40*0.169*6.02e23=1.27e39/cm2/s
Al window, 2*100um, density 2.7g/cm3, X=2*100e-4/8.897=2.25e-3, Lumi=50e-6/1.6e-19*2*100e-4*2.7*6.02e23=1e37/cm2/s


15uA, raster 0.5cm diameter
3he(10amg), 40cm, density=10*44.6(amg=mol/m3)*3.016(g/mol)=1.345e-3g/cm3, X=40/(67.42/1.345e-3)=0.8e-3, Lumi=15e-6/1.6e-19*40*1.345e-3*6.02e23=3e36/cm2/s, pol Lumi = 3e36/3 = 1e36cm2/s
GE180 glass window, 2*120um, density 2.76g/cm3, X=2*120e-4/(19.4/2.76)=3.4e-3, Lumi=15e-6/1.6e-19*2*120e-4*2.76*6.02e23=3.74e36/cm2/s
GE180 Aluminosilicate Glass Composition, 
  refer to
  Molecule 	Composition by weight
     SiO2	 	60.3%
     BaO 	 	18.2%
     Al2O3		14.3%
     CaO 	 	6.5%
     SrO 	 	0.25% 
  Z/A 	                   0.4829 
  radiation thickness 	   19.4246 g/cm2
  radiation thickness 	   7.038 cm
  density                 2.76 g/cm3
  assume Z=17 and A=35,which gives correct Z/A, then we got nuclei luminosity for each window 3.74/2/35=0.054e36/cm2/s

SIDIS proton

I = 100nA, raster 2.4cm diameter
Target = NH3, density of NH3(den) = 0.819 g/cm^3
target thickness (t) = 2.826 cm, packing fraction(PF) = 0.55
NH3 target is immersed in liquid He4, density of LHe4 = 0.145 g/cm^3 at 1K
Luminosity of NH3 = den * t * PF * (I/1.602e-19)*6.022e23 = 0.819*2.826*0.55*(100e-9/1.602e-19)*6.022e23 = 4.785e35/cm2/s
pol Lumi = 4.785e35/17*3 = 0.844e35/cm2/s
Luminosity of LHe4 = den * t * (1-PF) * (I/1.602e-19)*6.022e^23 = 0.145*2.826*0.45*(100e-9/1.602e-19)*6.022e23 = 0.69e35/cm2/s
Luminosity of two LHe4 outside   =  0.145*2*0.432*(100e-9/1.602e-19)*6.022e23 = 0.47e35/cm2/s
Total luminosity = (4.785+0.69+0.47) * 1e35 = 5.945e35/cm2/s
Note: there are several thin Al windows before and after target, their total luminosity ~1e35/cm2/s 
total length of NH3+LHe4 and two LHe4 outside, 2.826+2*0.432=3.69
average density of NH3+LHe4, (0.819*0.55+0.145*0.45) = 0.5157
average density of NH3+LHe4 and two LHe4 outside, (0.5157*2.826+0.145*2*0.432)/(2.826+2*0.432)=0.43
Composition by weight of NH3+LHe4 and two LHe4 outside
   NH3                   0.819*0.55*2.826/(2.826+2*0.432)/0.43=0.80
   LHe4                  0.145*0.45*2.826/(2.826+2*0.432)/0.43=0.12
   two LHe4 outside      0.145*2*0.432/(2.826+2*0.432)/0.43=0.08
average Z=10*0.80+2*0.12+2*0.08=8.4
average A=17*0.80+4*0.12+4*0.08=14.4
assume Z=7 and A=12,which gives correct Z/A, then we got nuclei luminosity 5.945e35/12=0.495e35/cm2/s
g2p thesis and target info
g2p target in simulation
dilution factor for pure NH3 is 0.176=M_H3/(M_H3+M_N)
Considering other materials, 0.176*4.785/5.945=0.142 (not including windows), 0.176*4.785/(5.945+1)=0.121 (including windows)
g2p experiment has measured dilution 0.13 because particle from windows have different acceptance than target
5% error of dilution factor 


3uA, raster 0.5cm diameter
LH target, 15cm, 0.071g/cm3, X=15/890.4=1.7e-2, Lumi=3e-6/1.6e-19*15*0.071*6.02e23=1.2e37/cm2/s
Al window, 2*100um, density 2.7g/cm3, X=2*100e-4/8.897=2.25e-3, Lumi=3e-6/1.6e-19*2*100e-4*2.7*6.02e23=6e35/cm2/s

file sharing (current)

  • geant4 crosssection study
*BeamOnTargethadron*.root  (hadron only)
*BeamOnTargetEM/*.root    (EM only)
*BeamOnTarget/*.root      (EM+hadron)
  • SoLID full simulation sharing location
latest as of 2020/07
location on disk /cache/halla/solid/sim/solid_gemc/ (The latest files are pinned on cache for max allowed 60 days. If you need older files, ask Zhiwen Zhao)
location on tape /mss/halla/solid/sim/solid_gemc/
detailed log are at
  new and updated
  • file name example
"*BeamOnTarget_1e9_skim.root", created by shooting 1e9 electron on target, full SoLID simulation, only events has any entry in any detector is kept, physics list used is "QGSP_BERT_HP+STD+Optical", including hadron,EM and optical process
"*BeamOnTargetEM_1e9_skim.root", created by shooting 1e9 electron on target directly, only events has any entry in any detector is kept, physics list used is "STD+Optical",meaning no hardon, only EM and optical process
"*dirty_weighted_eDIS_filenum100_1e6.root,  *dirty_normalized_*_pi*HallD_filenum500_5e6.root,  *dirty_normalized_*_allnoeHallD_filenum500_5e6.root"
dirty means full SoLID simulation with physics list "QGSP_BERT_HP+STD+Optical"
weighted means the generator events distribute evenly in certain kinematic space,then have weight linked to crossection and rate
normalized means the generator events distribute according to crossection by probability and weight is a constant for each event
eDIS means electron from target by the DIS electron generator mode in "eicRate" code
pion*HallD means pion from target by the modified hallD generator
allnoeHallD means all particles from the modified hallD generator which has no electron
5e6 are number of event
filenum500 means sum of 500 small files of 1e4=5e6/500 events each
  • note about normalization factor
for BeamOnTarget skim file, (current in A)/1.6e-19/(number of event) = rate in Hz, for PVDIS_current=50uA,SIDIS_He3=15uA,SIDIS_NH3=100nA,JPsi=3uA, number of event is in file name, which is not number of tree entries in skim root file
for other file, (var8->at(0) in tree header)/filenum = rate in Hz, filenum is included in file name, this is because each small file is normalized separately
see example here and

file sharing (old runs)

run 2

It was done by Zhiwen Zhao in later 2014

The code and log files are in SVN at

location on disk /cache/halla/solid/sim/solid_gemc/

location on tape /mss/halla/solid/sim/solid_gemc/

(ask Zhiwen Zhao if you need to use them)

table for normalization factor comparison pdf pptx

file names:
"EM" in file name means all real materials and beam on target which needs normalization by current/nevent (same as "EM" previously)
"clean_weighted" in file name means kryptonite for all geometry and weighted generator (same as "other" previously)
"dirty_normalized" in file name mean all real materials and normalized generator (same as "actual" previously)

more hit_id are added, some are changed

 =========    hit_id and pid definition ==============
 hitid  =0 - 5 6 GEM planes, unused
         29 - 40  6 GEM plane, 1st layer (odd) and 2nd layer (even) of gas		
         20 - 25  6 GEM plane front			
         6,18    LGCC  PMT, front
         7,19    HGCC  PMT,  front
         8 - 11  FAEC front,middle,inner,rear 
         12 -15  LAEC front,middle,inner,rear 
         16,17,26 MRPC front,gas,glass
         27-28 FASPD front, inner
         41-42 LASPD front, inner
   pid =0   photon+electron+positron
        1   photon    
        2   electron + positron
        3   neutron
        4   proton
        5   pip
        6   pim
        7   Kp
        8   Km
        9   Kl
       10   other

run 1

It was done by Zhiwen Zhao in later 2013

main report for PVDIS_LD2 pptxpdf and SIDIS_He3 pptx pdf

The code are in SVN at see log files there for details

EM background is estimated from shooting beam into target with SoLID GEMC

background from eDIS, eES and hadron are using event generator at vertex as input into SoLID GEMC

low energy neutron cross section was turned on

(ask Zhiwen Zhao if you need to use them) 
file location
on disk  /cache/halla/solid/sim/solid_gemc/
on tape  /mss/halla/solid/sim/solid_gemc/
for SIDIS_He3, it's at subdir SIDIS_He3_run1/
for PVDIS_LD2, it's at subdir PVDIS_LD2_run1/, main result is dir baffle_babarbafflemore1_block which has photon block before EC, while baffle_babarbafflemore1 has result without the photon block
file names for SIDIS_He3
file with no special name is just shooting beam on target, "EM" particles dominating the results 
"other" in file name means kryptonite for all geometry 
"actual" in file name mean all real materials
"sum"  in file name mean sum over all real materials for gas and two windows
file names for PVDIS_LD2
file with no special name is just shooting beam on target, "EM" particles dominating the results, it has lead baffle and kryptonite for everything else
"other" in file name means kryptonite for all geometry 
"real" in file name mean lead baffle and kryptonite for everything else
for different detector and for different particles, we have histograms showing rate
"Eklog_R_hitid_pid" rate(kHz/mm2) at R(cm) and log10(Ek)(GeV) with bin(300, 0, 300, 200,-6,1.3)
"Eklog_R_high_hitid_pid" rate(kHz/mm2) at R(cm) and log10(Ek)(GeV) with bin(300, 0, 300, 200,-6,1.3) for Phi (0,6)deg
"Eklog_R_low_hitid_pid" rate(kHz/mm2) at R(cm) and log10(Ek)(GeV) with bin(300, 0, 300, 200,-6,1.3) for Phi (6,12)deg
"Eklog_R_Phi_hitid_pid" rate(kHz) at Phi(deg), R(cm) and log10(Ek)(GeV) with bin(48,0,12,300, 0, 300, 200,-6,1.3)
"P_R_hitid_pid" rate(kHz/mm2) at R(cm) and P(GeV) with bin(300, 0, 300, 1100,0,11)
there are many other histograms produced with similar names
Because all histograms are produced the same way. One can simply add root files together by "hadd" to look at the result in sum
 hitid =0 - 5  GEM plane 1 - 6
        6       LGCC  PMT
        18      LGCC  front
        7       HGCC  PMT         
        19      HGCC  front
        8 - 11  FAEC front,middle,inner,rear 
        12 -15  LAEC front,middle,inner,rear 
        16,17,26 MRPC front,glass,gas
        20 - 25  GEM plane 1 - 6 front
        27 - 28  SPD front,scintillator
  pid =0   photon+electron+positron
       1   photon    
       2   electron + positron
       3   neutron
       4   proton
       5   pip
       6   pim
       7   Kp
       8   Km
       9   Kl
      10   other