TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2019 October 22
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[1] R. Montgomery - conical geometry study update
Attendees: Carlos, Arun, Alex, Steve, Narbe, Eric F. (on site); Paul, Marco, Dipangkar, Rachel (online)
- Comments on Carlos' presentation:
- Photon flux spectro is not needed below ~5MeV: Egamma_min = Ebreakup+T(p = 70MeV/c) = 2.2 + 2.6 MeV = 4.8MeV.
- Need to compare EPC code to generator used in GEMC for QE.
- Want inclusive pp production, considering pi- production off neutron in deuterium gamma(*) n->p pi-, then both produced p and spectator p in the mTPC.
- Comments on Rachel's presentation:
- Verbal update from Dipangkar:
Target roller seems to work correctly: no air bubbles between the two layers of kapton. Still need to figure out how to make *exactly* two turns. Mechanizing the system could be an option, but cannot be implemented yet.
Organizational details
- 11:00 AM, JLab meeting room: TED 2561A
- To join the Meeting:
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- Meeting ID : 550335940
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- Dial:
- +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
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