TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2019 September 3
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Round table: verbal updates
Present: Thia, Paul, Arun, Eric P., Eric F. + Online: Dipangkar, Nilanga, Bogdan.
- Updates:
- Streaming readout (Eric P.): progress on software. End-to-end readout and processing of data.
- Digitization (Arun): still at the stage of understanding what algorithm Marco had been using for the mTPC digitization:
- Simulation (Arun+Thia): the TDIS generator will be checked by Tim Hobbs who is an expert in this physics;
- Target(Dipangkar): roller assembly ready; will soon be rady to start assembling targets.
- NSF grant (Nilanga): haven't heard back from it yet; Thia advocated to contact the person at NSF (people with positive returns have heard back).
Organizational details
- 10:30 AM, JLab meeting room: TED 2561A
- To join the Meeting:
- To join via Room System:
- Video Conferencing System: -or-
- Meeting ID : 550335940
- To join via phone :
- Dial:
- +1.408.740.7256 (United States)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
- +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
- (see all numbers -
- Enter Conference ID : 550335940
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