TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2020 February 11
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Thia kindly requested status/updates on:
- simulations - Rachel, Carlos
- tracking - Steve, Arun
- target - Dipangkar
- GEM/streaming DAQ - Ed, Eric P.
- mTPC - Nilanga, Kondo
- LAC refurbishment - Dipangkar, Simona
- SAMPA chips - Sao Paulo, want to give an update?
- Cerenkov modifications - Andrew, Eric F. any news/thoughts?
Attendees: Bogdan, Dipangkar, Jan Bernauer (Welcome), Marco B. Nilanga, Paul, Steve, Thia, Arun, Carlos, Ed, Eric F.
- Simulations updates/discussion:
- Carlos: g4sbs part about mTPC will be reorgainzed; almost has all the interesting background processes (some been provided as structure functions only, not cross sections), now need to include them in g4sbs;
- Arun/Steve: been busy (with Hall C activities) but will be able to resume shortly;
- Rachel: will wrap around conical chamber wall study + will focus on estimate trigger/electron rates;
Discussions will be made offline about when G4 simulations, digitization and tracking will need to come together.
- Target (Dipangkar): Target bust at 80 psi absolute = ~5.5atm (NB: we want to run at 4 atm~60psi), /but/ there was a flaw in the gluing of the target tube to one flange, which is where the target busted; will try again with flawless gluing + will test lower pressure values before testing 80 psi.
- Electronics updates/discussions:
- Ed: Progress (see document) currently at step (C); will probably use SAMPA in non-continuous mode (triggering);
- Marco: Infos about newer chip: shaping time can be configured to 80 or 160 ns;
Discussions about triggering mode: trigger rates are (roughly) estimated about 20kHz which for the SAMPA chip is low; number of samples recorded after trigger is programmable.
- mTPC prototype (Nilanga): will be delayed + will need input from simulation team (number of pads, conical wall, etc);
- LAC (Dipangkar): there was a leak in the LAC (a light leak I assume); Students are available to test it, but Simona will need to train them (which she might be able to do soon).
- RICH (Eric F.): nothing new; will need to dig up pion rejection rates for LAC and evaluate RICH performance requirements (which will determine the necessity to use a light gas and extend the RICH snout or to use a heavier gas);
Closing remarks:
- Dedicated TDIS meeting (one big afternoon on March 19th) before SBS meeting in March (20th-21st) - overlap iwth EIC meeting which is unfortunate.
- Newcomer: Jan Bernauer (assistant prof at SBU): interested in joining TDIS, and particularly streaming readout, analysis (pending on obtaining research grant).
Organizational details
- 11:00 AM, JLab meeting room: TED 2561A
- To join the Meeting:
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- Meeting ID : 550335940
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