TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2022 March 3
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- Response document status edit link
- Document status: made suggestions on rearranging the Simulation/digitization/tracking section: Carlos agreed so I'm currently proceeding; Still waiting from update from Eric C. for BoNuS (pedning on BoNuS collab approval) and additional text from Steve.
- Carlos: 2M digitized events with timing and ADC: going to test tracking algorithms; generator from Hall D: under work (needs to be compiled);
- Salina: waiting for the machine shop for specific parts for the mTPC prototype; GEM foils ordered, Front-end cards will be ready when the connectors are;
- Nilanga: flex circuits order ready: need to send out the order, lead time: couple weeks.
- Steve: Still need to add more text to the document; also, shall we double the number of pixels? Would be better since we should expect twice more background. At best, pixel size should be 1.5 mm (limited by electron cloud). should keep equal number of pads per ring; Intuitively we can increase the number of rings by ~40% and increase the number of pads per ring by ~40%, but perhaps an optimization of pad design could be desirable.
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Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: Jan 20, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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