TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2023 Apr 13
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- ALL: Jeopardy report
Present: Arun, Aruni, Eric C., Ed, Huong, Bogdan, Dipangkar, Carlos.
Aruni: presented her progress of protons rates in BONuS and the modifications to the HV divider for the prototype.
Houng; asked what kind of tests to do in UVa and presented a series of pictures of the prototype. She reported that the connector to be used will be of the Panasonic kind. Finally, she presented plots about real current tests at 150V foil by foil.
Arun: asked about the possible sources of noise compared with SBS and asked Bogdan for feedback.
Eric C.: reported that he has the 8kV supply with SHV connectors and we should use them for the moment, since the lemo connector desired will take 21 weeks to be delivered.
Bogdan: asked about the BONuS experience section in the document and how our simulation compares with BONuS
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Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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